
Your Honor

Point of correction your Honor, love is monstrous, its a vicious and untamed beast, yet it’s gentle. It brings peace and promises war. A beautiful rose that one oughts to be weary of the thorns that protect it. Its possessive, a little extreme in terms of obsession and it yet is calm like the nile…

\she will make it out of a golden casket even/

imagine how awkward it would be, on the day it finally decides to just drop itself. the shame that would follow alongside the rage from your kinfolk, the energies clashing mixed with all kinds of feelings. all of that for what? ere goes the lion sin. all that it craves is self and self be…

The adventure

Old man John was sitting in his backyard when lil Mike jumped from Ms M’s house. Lil Mike’s eyes were filled with so much up excitement as he ran towards Old John. They exchanged greetings while Mike walked the few yards from the wall to John. Young man took a sit next to the old…

Word to aArU

I feel the pain but I’m high on the pane… Yeah it’s that srrrr.srr.. That’s keeping me calm, while I wait for the gain… The game goes on and so should I, it seems…. A good thing to have a whole house of Godly nature backing me, I’m so unstoppable … Am however forced to…


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About Me

I am a Qonqueror with something Godly in my nature. Words can be anything this is why I smith them. Welcome to my world.

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